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Get Older & Love It with Shannon O'Brien

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Get Older & Love It with Shannon O'Brien
We sat down with our Canadian Distributor, Shannon O’Brien, whom you may have seen all over your TikTok feed to discover what getting older means to her and how we are moving away from ‘anti-aging’ in the skincare world and looking towards embracing everything that comes with getting older and loving it!

What do you love most about getting older?

Many things! Mostly the confidence that comes from really knowing yourself as a person after learning from your mistakes, understanding your intuition, and gaining a perspective that allows space for others to grow with you and around you. This confidence has allowed me to make better life choices, big and small, because I have learned to factor my own needs and wants into my decisions, while still nurturing and taking care of those I care about. This did not come easy for me when I was younger and overly accommodating to the needs of others - even if at the detriment of my own.


How do you embrace aging?

I accept that I am not 20 anymore! And I appreciate that this age and stage of life have given me an opportunity to share myself in a very true way. For many women, when you are young, you present yourself how you think you want people to see you, as a daughter, friend, wife, mother, colleague and so on.  In my fifties, these identities have been lifted or, at least, don’t take hold of me the way they once did.  So I engage with people in a very authentic way, unbothered by opinions, outside of those I really care about.  This is so refreshing that getting older is something I view as a gift. Who doesn’t want to embrace this gift?!
What do you think is the most important thing when it comes to looking after your skin and why?

The skin is the body’s largest organ and just as we would take care of our heart, lungs and liver more diligently as we get older, so must we with our skin. My philosophy is not to have flawless, perfect skin but to have healthy skin. This is something I try to convey to younger people as well. How you achieve healthy skin really is such a personal choice and learning and experimenting what is right for you. For me, a simple, natural skin care approach is preferred – including anything that will hydrate my dry skin!


What are your favourite skincare tips and tricks?

@wrinklesschminkles Before bed patch routine: chest, neck, eyes, forehead! Apply on clean, dry skin and to wake up with your skin smoothed and hydrated under each patch. The medical grade silicone keeps skin tight and taut to prevent and correct lines while you sleep #wrinklesschminkles #skincarethatsticks #botoxalternative #botox #nobotox #foreheadpatch #foreheadwrinkles #wrinklepatch #siliconepatch #chestpatch #neckpatch #eyepatches #wrinkletreatment ♬ original sound - EX7STENCE™
Shannons Before Bed Patch Routine here. Promoting: Chest, Neck, Eye, Forehead patches.
  • Firstly, smile often! It sounds basic but it really does help with skincare – brighter eyes and stronger facial muscles that don’t sag the depressor muscles around the mouth that can lead to sagging jowls
  • I love rose hip oil because it’s a natural source of Vitamin A, C and E and essential fatty acids and its luxurious and hydrating
  • I discovered Wrinkles Schminkles Silicone Forehead patch in 2020 and it’s a part of my weekly skincare routine and always will be. This patch transformed my deep frown and forehead lines in such a noticeable way that my skin looks younger at 51 then it did in my late forties
  • Keep it simple - You don’t need a 10 step skincare routine or to spend a fortune on products to have nice, luminous skin
  • Protect your skin from UV damage - wear sunscreen and sun hats!


What do you aim to share with your followers through TikTok and what inspires you?

Mostly that aging and being over 50 is not something to dread! Instead to view it as an adventure to be curious and joyful about.  For my friends that are in their 50’s and sharing this journey with me, be thankful and appreciative that we made it this far and looking beyond towards the next 50 years with hope and enthusiasm


Run us through how you use Wrinkles Schminkles products in your skincare routine

I wear my silicone Forehead patch overnight, once per week now but for the first month, I wore it 4x per week (every other night). For the next 3 months, I wore 2-3x per week.  After that first four months, my brow lines had noticeably softened and the deep 11 lines were gone. Now I use one night per week to maintain. If I have an event or date night, I always wear my forehead patch the night before.
I wake up in the morning, remove the patch, shower and cleanse my face and apply my skincare afterwards!
I use my silicone Eye Patches overnight to smooth out my crows feet under eyes but I also pop on a pair of patches during the day if my eyes are puffy or tired looking. They give a quick pick-me-up look.
I have been wearing the Silicone Patches on my hands for the last 4 months and the difference is unbelievable! People don’t focus on the skin on the back of their hands as much but this skin is thinner and can show signs of aging if its not protected


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